Posted by : Unknown Friday, January 27, 2012

I had pre-ordered Skyrim and had it sitting on my TV to play the following weekend when my wife told me she was interested in playing.  Great!  I've got other things to play so go ahead dear...little did I know it would become the game she played every night for weeks.  In order to allow me to actually play it, she bought me a second copy for my birthday a few weeks ago.

I had tried Oblivion before and couldn't really get into it..I think partially because I like to play a thief and had difficulty determining when I could steal something (damn you color blindness!)  This time, I didn't have this issue so I was off to a great start.  I began by focusing on the main story line and then stumbled upon the Thieves Guild in Riften...YES.  I quickly abandoned all other story lines and focused mainly on these quests.

This story line is one of the best I've ever played in any genre of video game.  They are well written and keep things fresh as you play along including great plot twists and character development of the NPCs.  As I neared the end of the story line I realized that I had put over 40 hours into this game already and I must break away if I'm to ever play anything else.  So, I've decided to break up my play by story lines and will come back in a few weeks to try another one.

As I finished up the Thieves Guild story line my only complaint was that it didn't really tell me that I had finished it.  I expected some fanfare and in the end was left wondering if I'd actually done what I needed to.  After talking it over with my wife, it turns out that there's more to "returning the guild to it's former glory" and I have a lot more to do.

The thing that I've enjoyed most about Skyrim so far is the conversations that my wife and I have had about it.  Since she had a long head start, she gets to help me out with tips every now and then which is a new thing for her :)  We used to play a lot of Dark Age of Camelot together and this has a lot of that same feel for us as we kind of experience it together even though we play separately.

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3 Responses so far.

  1. I don't think the Thieve's Guild Quest is finished when you think it is. Once you give the thing back to the person (no spoilers for me!), I don't think it's over. There is an achievement for bringing the guild back to it's former glory, and that hasn't happened yet. I think you need to keep doing side jobs for that, and from some NPC conversations I've had, I believe that the guild will visibly change as you go. Maybe adding a forge, and some other stuff? Haven't had time for that yet.

    The Dark Brotherhood questline is also a great one, if you don't playing as an assassin as well. And the Thieve's guild armor is awesome for this quest line, too.

  2. Unknown says:

    Yeah...sounds like I have more work to do on that one :)

    Dark Brotherhood is definitely the one I plan to jump into once I get back into the game!

  3. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I shelved Skyrim when I got Saints Row the Third :)

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