Posted by : Unknown
Monday, October 11, 2010
We watched Cinderella
a couple of weeks ago as part of our Disney Movie Nights and I was surprised at how much Kian payed attention. He really seemed to enjoy it and continues to talk about it.
I found a coupon code last night for a free Disney Enchanted Call and used it to have Cinderella call Kian at bed time. They let me choose a few things like that I'm his father and he likes to play games. Cinderella then mentioned these things in the call and Kian was absolutely in awe. He said she is SO NICE to call him and she wants us to visit her in her castle.
He's going to flip when he finds out that we are having breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table during our trip! My current plan is to not tell him about it until the morning that we arrive at the park for our reservation. Going into the castle for a meal will be an awesome experience.
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Oh, that Disney enchanted code is cool!