Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, September 01, 2015

I've had mad nerd love for Felicia Day for many years, but after reading her new book...I may actually be in love with her.  She once lived in Kentucky, knows what the Mason/Dixon line is, and even drove to New Jersey to meet someone in person from the internet.  We're basically the same person. ;)

I'm happy I bought the audio version of the book because it's like listening to her tell me the story of her life.  Felicia reads it like she's sitting next to you talking casually, so it's easy and fun to listen to.  It also helps that she cares about are the same geeky things I've loved all of my life.  She's very clear that this book isn't for everyone and she's right, but I feel sad for those people.

I especially loved hearing about the making of one of my favorite shows, The Guild.  Most people outside of the entertainment industry assume that we all just have fun and make loads of money in our work.  Felicia describes a time for her when she had to put everything she had (physically, emotionally, and monetarily) into getting this show made, mainly because web series were in their infancy.  It hits home for me because of how often myself and those around me put so much extra time and effort into the game we are trying to ship...simply because we want it to be as special as possible.  You want everyone that experiences your work to feel like you gave it your all to make it as great as it can be.

Grab your copy HERE.  If you like the content my blog...I'd say there's a better than fair chance you'll love the book.

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