I've been working steadily on the Online Game Design Course for Rasmussen college and have just completed the week 4 content. The course will run 12 weeks and I have about that much time to get each of the lessons ready.
I'm working closely with a faculty member from Rasmussen who handles taking the content that I provide and getting it into the format necessary for the course. In addition we work closely together to determine that I'm reaching the educational goals needed for the course. It's been a great working relationship that has allowed me to focus on teaching the information I want to get across without being bogged down with details in formatting.
The whole process was a bit overwhelming at first since I haven't taught in this way before. Sure, being a Design Lead contains a lot of teaching on a daily basis...but its a bit different when I'm trying to ensure that students understand core concepts at a basic level. On top of this, I wont be present when the information is presented so I won't have the opportunity to augment the info or make corrections as I see what concepts students are struggling to learn. But, this is another way that the faculty member is great because he's an expert at helping pinpoint where information may not be reaching the educational goals of the school.
So far I've found the information to come much easier than I had anticipated. Each week's lesson is coming out nicely and without much stress or lack of information. I feel pretty confident, anyway, that I'm giving good info and that students will grasp the concepts. Hopefully it continues to go well :)
What a neat post! Thank you for sharing!
Nice, I have always enjoyed teaching, but preferably in a 1 on 1 scenario. It was cool to see your thoughts on the experience of setting up a learning plan.
Ahd Dib